Tuesday, March 4, 2014

“Pinning” a Profit

When I say social media, what comes to mind? Email? Twitter? Facebook? I bet Pinterest wasn’t the first. But why not? With more than 70,000,000 users (count the zeroes!) maybe it’s time to take a second look at how effectively Pinterest could reach your business’ target consumers.(1) Frequent studies have emphasized the importance of social media in business marketing. Here are the top 4 reasons why Pinterest should be your next medium:

1.     PINTERST IS A GROWING MARKET. A recent article by the research company, Enguage stated, “It seems you can’t go a day without reading or hearing about social’s newest sweetheart-Pinterest.”(4) This is partly because Pinterest gets 1.36 million visits per day. (6) Pinterest is the hot media outlet, and the facts to support it. There are 70,000,000 users worldwide, and that number is only growing. In February 2013 the number of Pinterest users was reported at 48.7 million worldwide. By July 2013, just 5 months later, that number jumped to 70 million- a 145% increase!(1) The average user now spends an unbelievable 90 minutes browsing per visit. With more users and more consumer time, there is more far potential for impact.

2.     PINTEREST IS EASY. Pinterest’s overarching purpose is to allow users to save pictures that appeal to them. When these pictures are your products, Pinterest is like similar to window shopping at a mall, but on steroids. This sort of window shopping can be done anytime, anywhere, and because the target audience is not shoppers, anyone with an extra minute on hand becomes a potential customer.  Pinterest is simple because it gets directly to the point… no content development, no advertising, no jingle… just your product. Each post is repinned an average of 10 times. Yielding great potential for quick growth and results.(1) Building a base is fast and easy when linking Pinterest to current social media- most commonly, Facebook and Twitter. But, don’t wait to start. As with any social media, the determinate factor in following and support is time.

3.     PINTEREST DRIVES PROFIT. Pinterest has become more than just another social media outlet, it has become an important part of life. Many shopping lists and family dinners have derived from pinners boards. In fact, an estimated 47% of all online shoppers have made purchases through pins.(1) The average pin produces $0.78 of revenue- an increase of 25% in the past 2 years. (1) More profitable than other social media, “Pinterest produces 4 times more revenue (per click) than Twitter and 27% more than Facebook.”(1)

4.     PINTEREST IS FOR THE TARGET MARKET. Women account for 80% of all consumer purchases in America,(5) and 83% of Pinterest users are women.(7) Need we say more? No matter what your business is, most likely women are key influencer’s or direct buyers. Pinterest is a fast-growing mobile medium that reaches a gigantic market in a key target segment. Don’t miss out. Pinterest has amazing power to drive revenue and results.

A special thanks for the contributions of guest co-author, Rebecca Lyman